Category: Intro to Astrology

  • What is a birth chart in Astrology and how to find it

    What is a birth chart in Astrology and how to find it

    We are going to outline the basics of what is a birth chart, aka a natal chart, and how to obtain it. A birth chart is a specific blueprint of your soul at the time it arrived here on Earth 🙂 – Melanie What is a birth or natal chart? It is a composition of…

  • How to find out what time you were born

    How to find out what time you were born

    So, you have finally decided to find out what all this “astrology stuff” is about and look up your birth chart, but first you need your birth time and location. Perhaps, instead, you are trying to help someone else find their birth information. Either way, this post will help direct you on finding your birth…

  • Your zodiac sign vs your big 3 in Astrology

    Your zodiac sign vs your big 3 in Astrology

    There’s no escaping the question, “What is your sign?” With Astrology becoming more and more mainstream, you probably hear this question a lot. Most of us are familiar with the zodiac sign that corresponds with when we were born but that sign is not the full picture. If you are wondering what is the difference between…